Thursday, June 21, 2012

Begin with Yes~ Paul S Boynton- Review

When I found the ‘Begin with Yes’ Facebook page, I was smitten. So much wisdom, so much beauty- what a wonderful surprise. I had to know more. Who is behind ‘Begin with Yes’? I dug deeper and found a website.

There was a book!

I had to have it and I really wanted to interview the author. Who was behind all of this? What kind of dazzling spirit could have created this?

His name is Paul Boynton.

If you are looking for a way to make your dreams come true: Look no further.
‘Begin with Yes’ is a powerful book. The principles are simple, concise, and brilliant.

This is beyond the ‘Law of Attraction’. 

To quote the magnificent Mr. Boynton, “The secret to a good life is less about having a positive attitude and more about taking positive actions.”

Moreover, this book will illustrate, step-by-step, how to move towards your dreams, in a logical fashion.

"New realities are manifested by a clear vision, focus, hard work and a little faith. Identify a dream you’ve almost given up on and reactivate it today by taking small steps in that direction."

Find the book here

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